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Health Professional Training and Education
An alarming number of women enter pregnancy in poor health. Yet, there is ample evidence that pregnancy outcomes are strongly influenced by women’s health status prior to becoming pregnant.
The amount of prenatal care women receive, while important, is often insufficient to address the contributing risk factors that can lead to poor birth outcomes.
The March of Dimes Ready for Life Program wants to be your source for preconception health information and messages. Our information is well-researched, evidence-based, and thoughtfully crafted. We’re dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of women of reproductive age, and we know as health professionals, you are too.
Counseling women in your practice on how to achieve optimal health before they become pregnant is an important part of improving the health of women and children in North Carolina. It is not an easy task, but the training provided will arm you with the information and tools necessary to provide the best support to your patients.
Professional Education: Programs
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