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Collaborative & Innovative

Support Group

Community Health Champions

Making a Difference

Ready for Life NC is looking for dedicated individuals who are advocates for healthy lifestyles. Ready for Life NC is looking for Community Health Champions (CHCs). They will serve on public, private, or community-based advisory boards to educate, train, and advocate for meaningful preconception health programs and policies.

CHCs will have the opportunity to provide reproductive life planning resources in navigating health systems and securing primary care. CHCs help ensures that individuals enter pregnancy when they choose, how they choose, and in their best possible health through peer health education. Partnering with March of Dimes is an excellent opportunity for leaders in the field to share their knowledge, serve as resources to their community, and provide the representation needed in their region.

Town Halls

Doing What's Needed

We want to hear from you, and we want your healthcare leaders to hear you. Join the dialogue around how to improve your community's health, including supporting healthy births for all birthing people in your community. Together, we'll set goals and action steps that will move us closer to optimal health for individuals, health systems, and the wider community.

Motivational Speaker
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